Imagine the Possibilities – Our Capital Campaign

Track Our Progress!
As of January 6, 2023
793 of our 3,500 families have pledged $5,056,420 of our $5 million goal. We are grateful for these generous gifts!
Sacrificial Giving
As stewards of the treasure we have received from God, we recognize it is our responsibility to enrich and sustain the spiritual home of our community. All members of our parish family are invited and encouraged to make a sacrificial pledge to our campaign. Please prayerfully consider a commitment and its impact to build the Kingdom of God in our parish and our world. Imagine the Possibilities of all we can accomplish! We will only be successful if we have your help! Click here for our campaign prayer.
Several gift options are shown below. Pledges are payable over five, or even six years. Please prayerfully consider an amount that will work best for you and your family.

Ways to Give
- eGiving through PushPay
- Envelopes (sent monthly with collection envelopes)
- Check (payable to “Good Shepherd Catholic Church – Capital Campaign”)
- IRA Charitable Contributions
- Gifts of Securities
- Planned Gifts
Monthly Commitment | Yearly Commitment | Total Commitment | My Sacrifice Equals |
$400 | $4,800 | $24,000 | Family dinner out weekly |
$300 | $3,600 | $18,000 | Fast food meal daily |
$200 | $2,400 | $12,000 | Online shopping monthly |
$100 | $1,200 | $6,000 | Cell phone upgrade annually |
$50 | $600 | $3,000 | Manicure/pedicure monthly |
As we seek to accommodate the desire for ever-expanding ministries, enhance the beauty of our liturgy, and be good stewards of the facilities we have graciously been given, our vision is to:

Build a Chapel
Adjacent to our main worship space, a chapel will enable us to expand opportunities for daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, provide more intimate spaces for weddings, funerals, and daily Mass, and also contribute to a more energy-efficient use of our larger church space.
Create Additional Meeting and Classroom Space
We are seeking to expand the limited space currently available for our religious education program, youth ministry, and other parish groups and organizations. Creating additional spaces for classes and meetings will allow us to robustly fulfill our mission of handing on and growing in faith, one that is put into action through the service and advocacy of others.

A Prayer for Our Campaign
O God, You spoke in dreams to Joseph of Israel, and You made him a steward of the material gifts You provided to sustain Your people. You spoke in dreams to Joseph of Nazareth, and You invited him to make a home for Your Son Jesus. Today You encourage us to dream, to Imagine the Possibilities of how we as stewards of the gifts You have given us may build up the spiritual home where so many encounter Jesus today. Increase in our hearts a spirit of generosity, so every member of our parish will contribute to the effort to Imagine the Possibilities for prayer, learning and service in new and expanded spaces where we will give You glory and serve our neighbor now and forever. Amen.
(Father Tom Ferguson, 2020)